Get your business infrastructure to the cloud
We offer an easy way to make your business infrastructure more reliable, efficient and cost-effective.
Private Cloud
- Build your own private cloud on a leased resources;
- Fast and easy on-demand sizing;
- Suitable for typical infrastructure solutions;
- Secure and reliable environment
- Access your infrastructure securely using VPN;
- A lot of preconfigured templates are ready to deploy;
double/triple redundant architechture
uptime 99,99%
located in EU
customer data protection
instant support reaction
we speak english and russian
unlimited traffic up to 100 Mbps
fast service activation
Plans started from €20 per month!
easy service management
many ways to pay
Simplified infrastructure management
- Web-based resource management system
- Simple management of virtual networks
- Cloud infrastructure monitoring
- Fast deployment from preconfigured VM templates
- Guided installation and management service
- Fast support and reliable servers
Cloud migration strategy in 5 simple steps
- Discussing and creating a cloud migration plan
- We reserve all the necessary resources for the needs of your business
- We prepare network and a platform for migration
- Planning and making a test migration to the cloud
- Moving the rest of the infrastructure to the cloud
Need help deploying your services to cloud? Ask our techniсal staff for help on or just write us a ticket.
Ask for assistance
8 reasons to become our partner
- Our servers TIER-3 Datacenter: multiple power supply backup along with backed up internet connections delivers high grade service, monitored by technical specialists.
- Four nines. 99,99% guaranteed availability, this is at least 364 days 23 hours 7 minutes 27 seconds per year of uninterruptable cloud service.
- Fully automated backups.
Multilevel backup scheme allows to store full and incremental backups of customer's data as long as nessessary. - DDoS protection
Providing basic protecton for every customer, minimizing losses from possible attacks. Advanced protection could be provided for additional cost.
- Choose the plan that covers your current needs, or create your own and scale resources if you need more CPU, memory, traffic or storage.
- Qualified miltitier support Providing prioritised support for every business customer on every stage.
- Flexible payment scheme
In addition to traditional payment methods, we welcome any scheme that is convenient for the client. - Reliable equipment
We have established and strengthened partnerships with many distributors of HewlettPackard, DELL, Cisco and many other vendors, which allows us to offer quality service at a reasonable price.